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Updated NOTE*** You can order now this product, right now it did not arrive to Canada Yet, as soon as it gets here It will be shipped to you. Allow 15 to 30 days if you are outside Alberta.

   If you are in Calgary allow 10 to 15 days since Feb 3.




Green Elv Nutrition is proud to bring you this amazing supplement that will help you obtain better results with the Tejocote treatments and will improve your overall health as well! At the same time it will help deminish the detox symptoms! 


It is a formulation composed of the extract of the leaf of two trees (Moringa and Neem). Moringa is a tree native to India, multivitamic and with high concentration of nutrients. The Neemor Azadirachta is also native to India, and is a multiprotector of the oransim, mainly strengthening the immune 



Normalizes blood pressure, normalizes blood surgar. Strengthens the immune system. Anti-Carcinogenic. Detoxifier Improves digestion. Antioxidant, reduces wrikles by age, appetite suppressant, anti-depressant, and increases 





Mitigates or cures more than 340 diseases; Nervous disorders, powerful blood purifier, digestive disorders, powerful blood purifier, digestive disorders, toning muscles, anxiety, diabetes, cancer, allergies, heart disorders, herpes, oviarian cysts, psoriasis, scabies, oral care, gastritis, ulcers, parasites, and insect 


Green Elv Nutrition se enorgullece en brindarles una mariavilla de suplemento que no solo le ayudara a obtener mejores resulados con la raiz de tejocote, pero tambien auydara su salud drasticamente! Y a la ves le ayudara desminuir los sintomas de desintoxicacion con su tratamiento de micro-dosis o 

Es una formulación compuesta por el extracto de la hoja de dos árboles (Moringa y Neem). La Moringa es un árbol originario de la India, multivitanímico y con alta concentración de nutrientes. El Neem o Azadirachta también es originario de la India, y es un multiprotector del organismo, fortaleciendo principalmente el sistema 

DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO BENEFICIOS DE LA MORINGA: Normaliza la presión arterial. Normaliza el azúcar en la sangre. Fortalece el sistema inmunológico. Anti-Cancerígeno. Desintoxicante. Mejora la digestión. Anti-oxidante. Reduce las arrugas por la edad. Supresor de apetito. Anti-depresivo.

XGANEEM Moringa + Neem

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100% All natural healthy weight management dietary supplement 
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